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A Free Postpartum
Rehab Program

Week Trial


Restore Poster- Social  (2).png


4 Week Trial Program

February 21st & 28th

March 6th &20th

* No program March 13th due to SSRCE March Break 

Motherhood isn't often described as a physically demanding occupation - but it can be! Activities like lifting heavy kiddos and car seats, carrying children long distances, lowering little ones slowly into cribs, and prolonged baby wearing can all be significant physical challenges.

The early years of motherhood are also often a time when women experience significant deconditioning, due to cultural expectations regarding physical activity during pregnancy, prioritization of the needs of children over the needs of mothers, reduced time for structured exercise, and many other factors.

We believe mothers, children, and our society as a whole benefits when mothers are offered opportunities to nourish their physical & mental health. Next month, in partnership with Our Health Centre & Wild Wonders Forest School, we will launch a trial of a new, free postpartum rehab program, with free forest school childcare, that's been designed with these purposes in mind.




*Funding provided through Our Health Center In Chester

Restore: Postpartum Rehab Program

Wednesday Mornings


 For Moms (at any stage postpartum) and their kids

* This program takes place at the Chester Basin Legion not our program site in Midville Branch.

March Break Camp

March 11th-15th
CE March Break 

thru Grade 5 


March Break Camp


Monday March 11th-

Friday March 15th 

Coincides with SSRCE March Break week

Announcing our first March Break Camp.  let this time off school be a chance for your kids reconnect with nature, while we explore and learn outside. We will be spending 5 days outside together over the SSRCE March Break. All elementary aged students welcome!

We will be exploring the beautiful woods on our 6 acre program site, learning outdoor survival skills, making art, playing games and forging new friendships, all while experiencing nature emersion. Participants will  have space to explore and connect while taking charge of their own learning. We will have the opportunity to explore skills such as whittling, fire building and lighting, knot tying, shelter making and more. which skills we really dive into will be based on the interest of the group!


We will be spending all of our time outside, (except in the case of dangerous and extreme weather) so be prepared for all season because March can bring it all, snow, sleet rain and sun! 


5 Days

 7 Hrs Each Session- $350

* Plus HST

March Break Camps

Monday- Friday

9am - 4:00

 Pre-Primary- Grade 5

Please Note: No makeup date will be held due to the nature of this program!  

Outdoor Adventurers




Outdoor Adventurers


Full Day - 9:00am- 4:00pm

Ages 6-12


Spring 2024

Mondays - April 8th - June 17th

(No program May 20th, Victoria Day)

Make-up date June 24th

The Outdoor Adventurers program is for children who are elementary aged (6-12 years) to get outside and learn together in our beautiful forest. This program is designed with inquiry based, outdoor exploration to especially complement both homeschool and public school curriculums. As with all our programs, we focus on free play, story time, nature based art activities risky play and tool use and mindfulness practices.

Our Outdoor Adventurers will explore and connect outdoors while taking charge of their own learning. We will have the opportunity to explore skills such as whittling, fire building and lighting, knot tying, shelter making and more, which skills we really dive into will be based on the interest of the group!

This program gives children a chance to be self directed and explore their own curiosities through nature play, art and craft activities, and building projects of their own devising. We also make time for reflection and mindfulness, in order to deepen learning as well as their sense of compassion for all living things.


Outdoor Adventurers


10 Week Session/ 5hrs each day

1 Day/ Week (Mondays 9-4)- $700


* Plus HST

* Please note: We will  hold one make-up day for each session, in case of cancellation due to inclement weather or any other circumstance

Outdoor Adventurers

Outdoor Adventurers



Outdoor Adventurers


Full Day - 9:00am- 4:00pm

Ages 6-12


Summer 2024

Mondays - June 15th- August19th 

(No program May 20th, Victoria Day)

Make-up date August 26th

The Outdoor Adventurers program is for children who are elementary aged (6-12 years) to get outside and learn together in our beautiful forest. This program is designed with inquiry based, outdoor exploration to especially complement both homeschool and public school curriculums. As with all our programs, we focus on free play, story time, nature based art activities risky play and tool use and mindfulness practices.

Our Outdoor Adventurers will explore and connect outdoors while taking charge of their own learning. We will have the opportunity to explore skills such as whittling, fire building and lighting, knot tying, shelter making and more, which skills we really dive into will be based on the interest of the group!

This program gives children a chance to be self directed and explore their own curiosities through nature play, art and craft activities, and building projects of their own devising. We also make time for reflection and mindfulness, in order to deepen learning as well as their sense of compassion for all living things.

Families will be responsible for packing a lunch and snacks for thier child!



6 Week Session/ 7hrs each day

1 Day/ Week (Mondays 9-4) $525


Families with multiple children attending get 25% off the second registered child's tuition and 50% off both additional children when three are registered!

Scholarship spaces are available. Please inquire for more information!

* Please note: We will  hold one make-up day for each session, in case of cancellation due to inclement weather or any other circumstance. Please see our Parent Handbook for our full weather and cancelation policies.



For Spring


A light snack will always be provided

About halfway through our time, we will gather for a light snack. Usually fresh fruit and a homemade muffin. During this time we often read a book or two, or lead a discussion of something that has caught the children's interest that day. After snack is done, it’s back to the free play that makes up the core of our days. 


Forest Families,
Stay and Play

Wednesday Mornings

All Ages


 Forest Families

Stay & Play Drop-In

Wednesday Mornings

9am -Noon

All Ages Welcome!

Forest Families

Stay and play, Drop-in


 Summer 2023

Every Wednesday Morning



3 Hour Drop-In Session

"Pay What You Can" Donations Are  Appreciated

Forest Families, Stay and Play is for families with children of all ages,  as a chance to get outside and play together, with other children and families. We provide our lovely natural play areas for your family to explore together, art materials for creative exploration, and reflective activities for family bonding. A big focus here is creating comfort and literacy with nature, free play, risky play.


We want to help create a community of families, who value outdoor play can connect and play together. Theses connections will hopefully extend outside of our programs too.  I, (Sarah Storm) will be there, (sometimes with my own son) to help parents navigate the challenges of being outdoors with their kids. I am here to create an experience where families can play together with support, especially if parents are uncomfortable with some parts of  being outdoors with their kids. Some examples of topics I might advise on might be... dealing with boredom, teaching tool use, balancing safety and risky play, risk management for a variety of weather conditions, or how to dress comfortably in a variety seasons, etc… 

A light snack will be provided, (usually fruit and a homemade muffin)

This program is a great introduction to our programs and philosophy, without the commitment to a full session. It's a great way to check out our space, and a chance for  the whole family to join us as well.  we often have special guest join us as well  bringing activities and knowledge on a variety of outdoor related topics.

A registration form is required, prior to the first session. After that, you can just email to confirm your participation each week that you'd like to come. 

A donation of $20 for each family , is suggested to cover costs of art supplies, snack and Nature Practitioner time, and participants are encouraged to PWYC.

Amanda Bostlund

Lead Educator

Amanda Bostlund brings a wealth of experience to the Wild Wonders team. She has worked for several years as one of the program coordinators for MODL's outdoor after-school program, Trailblazers, and for five years she ran a forest kindergarten on the South Shore through Open Air Learning, and has offered training to adults around the topics of outdoor play and nature connection. Amanda completed an Advanced Teacher Training in Child and Youth Permaculture Education in Oregon, has volunteered and worked at various nature immersion programs and camps, and attended Art of Mentoring through the PINE Project.  In the winter of 2017, she spent 2-months in Denmark on a fascinating learning journey of forest kindergartens there. She is a qualified Forest and Nature School Practitioner through the Child and Nature Alliance of Canada.


She enjoys sharing her love of our natural world and helping to build confidence and comfort within nature. 

Acorns & Oaks

Acorns and Oaks




Acorns and Oaks

Acorns and Oaks

(Parent & Toddler Program)


 9:30am -Noon

Ages 3 & Under (with a caregiver)


Summer 2023

Mondays- July 5th- August 23rd

Make-up date- August 30th

Multi-child Families get 10% off!

Scholarship spaces are available, please e-mail for more information!

This all new, trial, program will be running Monday mornings, for children under the age of 3 and a caregiver. Older siblings may also attend with the understanding that activities are designed with the toddlers in mind, multi-child families get a 10% discount

Our aim is to create community, build comfort in the outdoors, explore creative, and messy play, and to help families normalize getting outside in all weather and all seasons. We will sing songs, read story books, let the children explore to sensory experience of the forest and so much more. 

A light snack will be provided, (usually fruit and a homemade muffin). You are also welcome to bring your own snacks, you know best what you child will eat or not.

The program run until Noon, but families are also welcome to stay for a picnic lunch if you pack your own. 


8 Week Session 

1 Day/Week-

2.5 hrs each day $200


*Plus HST

* Please note: We will  hold one make-up day for each session, in case of cancellation due to inclement weather or any other circumstance

* Please feel free to bring along a partner or a grandparent etc. 
Forest Families

Forest Families,
Stay and Play

Wednesday Mornings

All Ages


 Forest Families

Stay & Play Drop-In

Wednesday Mornings, All Summer

9am -Noon

All Ages Welcome!

Forest Families

Stay and play, Drop-in


 Summer 2023

Every Wednesday Morning

July 3rd - to August 30th


Special guests TBA

Forest Families: Stay and Play Drop-in program is for families with children of all ages,  as a chance to get outside and play together, with other children and families. We provide our lovely natural play areas for your family to explore together, art materials for creative exploration, guest presenters with nature related workshops and demaonstartions and reflective activities for family bonding. A big focus here is creating comfort and literacy with nature, free play, risky play.


We want to help create a community of families, who value outdoor play can connect and play together. Theses connections will hopefully extend outside of our programs too.  I, (Sarah Storm) will be there, (sometimes with my own son) to help parents navigate the challenges of being outdoors with their kids. I am here to create an experience where families can play together with support, especially if parents are uncomfortable with some parts of  being outdoors with their kids. Some examples of topics I might advise on might be... dealing with boredom, teaching tool use, balancing safety and risky play, risk management for a variety of weather conditions, or how to dress comfortably in a variety seasons, etc… 

A light snack will be provided, (usually fruit and a homemade muffin) Families are also welcome to stay for a picnic lunch if you bring your own. 

This program is a great introduction to our programs and philosophy, without the commitment to a full session. It's a great way to check out our space, and a chance for  the whole family to join us as well.  we often have special guest join us as well  bringing activities and knowledge on a variety of outdoor related topics.

A registration form is required, prior to the first session. After that, you can just email to confirm your participation each week that you'd like to come. 


3 Hour Drop-In Session

"Pay What You Can" Donations Are  Appreciated

A donation of $20 for each family, is suggested to cover costs of art supplies, snack and Nature Practitioner time, and participants are encouraged to PWYC.

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